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Twitter Bug Exposed Private Tweets Of Some Android Users For Five Years

A bug that has tormented Twitter since 2014 exposed the tweets of some Android clients that were expected to be private when they made changes in their settings, such as changing the email address connected to their records.
The issue caused the Twitter for Android application to cripple the Protect your Tweets setting for some Android clients who made changes to their record settings between Nov. 3, 2014 and Jan. 14, 2019, the organisation referenced in a blog entry.
Despite the fact that the organization says the issue was settled recently and that iOS or web clients weren’t influenced, it doesn’t yet realize what number of Android accounts were influenced.
In any case, the organization said it has informed the individuals who were influenced by the bug, and has turned Protect your Tweets back on for them in the event that it was disabled.
“We encourage you to review your privacy settings to ensure that your aProtect your Tweets’ setting reflects your preferences,” said Twitter in their help center page.
Twitter is now confronting warmth from Ireland’s Data Protection Commission for neglecting to satisfy a demand to give following information gathered through the through the company’s link shortening service.
Failure to improve its privacy practices would cost the company a hefty EU protection fine, which, under GDPR, would be 4 percent of the company’s annual revenue.
This wasn’t the first time through in May a year ago, Twitter asked its 336 million clients to change their passwords after it found a bug that put away passwords in plain text in an internal system.
Twitter said it found no sign that hacker got to the exposed information however exhorted clients that they ought to enter another password on all administrations where their present password has been utilized.

Twitter Bug Exposed Private Tweets Of Some Android Users For Five Years Twitter Bug Exposed Private Tweets Of Some Android Users For Five Years Reviewed by Pezziny Jossboss on January 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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