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Report Mino Raiola offers Pogba to PSG

The French giants have been interested in the Frenchman for a while and the midfielder's agent Mino Raiola never misses an opportunity of cashing in on the speculations.

According to the Daily Record, Paul Pogba has been offered to the Ligue 1 championsby his agent - notorious Mino Raiola.

As per the report, Les Parisiens are exploring an opportunity of adding the French midfielder to their assets to complete a team capable of winning the Champions League.

The media outlet also states that the agent has been in talks with PSG's representatives for a while and is fully satisfied with what the club can offer to his client in terms of both finances and career prospects.
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Report Mino Raiola offers Pogba to PSG Report Mino Raiola offers Pogba to PSG Reviewed by Pezziny Jossboss on May 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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