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A Parent's Guide to Promoting Your Child's Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Well-Being

If you give birth to a son:

Do not pamper him, let him treck to and fro to school (at times).
 let him play with the poor and rich neighbor.
Let him do his home work/assignment himself and bring it for corrections.
Let him visit uncles/families member for atleast a month.
Do not speak when he is maltreated (so far not wounded).
 Let him attend to incoming visitors to speak your mind.
 His toys should be tech devices alone.
Do not use reading to kill him.
Being social should be his priority, more especially as soon as he gets sense, buy him a phone and/or laptop.

As soon as that child grows up, he will be greater than his peers!

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A Parent's Guide to Promoting Your Child's Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Well-Being A Parent's Guide to Promoting Your Child's Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Well-Being Reviewed by Pezziny Jossboss on May 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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